Harvesting, Drying and Long Term Storage
Read this blog entry to better understand the different ways of harvesting, drying and storing your mushrooms.
Different Mushroom Varieties
Here is a comprehensive list of different mushroom varieties and some of their benefits/traits.
What is fully colonized?
Learn about the easiest and most advanced type of system that can be used to grow your own mushrooms
How to grow mushrooms using a fully colonized bag
Learn how fully colonized muchroom bags are the easiest way to grow your own mushrooms.
Microdosing with psilocybin mushrooms: a double-blind placebo-controlled study
A double blind, placebo controlled study conducted in August, 2022 concluded that “According to our findings, low doses of psilocybin mushrooms can result in noticeable subjective effects and altered EEG rhythms, but without evidence to support enhanced well-being, creativity and cognitive function.”
How Psychedelic Drugs Are Helping Veterans and Others with PTSD, Depression
Experts say that psychedelic drugs, along with psychotherapy, can help treat PTSD as well as depression. People Images/Getty Images
How to Prepare for Your First Psychedelic Trip in 5 Easy Steps
Preparing for your first trip
Self-Care Practices Can Save Millions and Alleviate Pressure on Health Systems
In a world where health workers are scarce, self-care practices can drastically improve people’s quality of life and alleviate strain on health systems, but depend on a range of factors including patient literacy, fair prices and government stewardship.
Healing Veterans Requires Caring For The Whole Person
A new, integrative approach to care is changing the way veteran and military health care is practiced.
Living Well with a Disability
Adapting to life with a disability is never easy, but there are ways to help yourself cope with limitations, overcome challenges, and build a rewarding life.